Culture and Sailing

Culture and Sailing

La Federació Valenciana de Vela Llatina té el gust de convidar a totes i tots els seus amics i simpatitzants als actes en commemoració de el 10º aniversari de la seua fundació, el dissabte 30 d’octubre a les 11:30h al Port de Catarroja, (seu de...
Gala at the Catarroja TAC

Gala at the Catarroja TAC

Chulvi Awards The Chulvi Awards Gala for the promotion of Valencian was held on Monday 21 June at 7 pm at the TAC in Catarroja with the musical accompaniment of the Harmonic Trio of the Artisan of Catarroja. The jury of the IX edition has been formed ...
Reunion with postcovid normality

Reunion with postcovid normality

13 Juny 2021.- Retrobament amb la normalitat postcovid Han passat quinze mesos i moltes coses des d’aquella primera pràctica de navegació de el VI Curset. Quan vam deixar els barquets atracats al canal a l’espera de la segona pràctica, no podíem sospitar...
Award for the promotion of the Valencian language

Award for the promotion of the Valencian language

The Josep Chulvi Awards Committee of Catarroja has awarded us the prize for the promotion of the Valencian language. The ceremony of delivery to the Latin Sailing Association les Peixcadors de Catarroja will take place next Monday, June 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the CAT,...
Review Class VI Course: Nuts and Winds

Review Class VI Course: Nuts and Winds

A review class for the VI Curset, while we return. No fleet can fight the elements, and neither can our school's. First it was two weeks of strong wind, and now... two weeks of Covid19. Nothing more? Who knows! All of us who participated in the...
Baptism Sailing Course VI

Baptism Sailing Course VI

Now they say that the first time you set sail is called "sailing baptism". I was not baptized, then. But the feeling of being a participant in an initiation ceremony repeats itself in me every time I go down the Canal de Catarroja to the lake....