Ja fa dos anys d’això! La navegació a vela llatina i la pesca artesanal a l’Albufera van ser declarats “Bé d’Interés Cultural, Inmaterial” (B-I-C) Volem celebrar-ho, i altra vegada convertirem les barques a protagonistes. Dissabte que ve...
Oberta Preinscripció Curset 2019 Als amics interessats en fer el V Curset de vela llatina de l’escola “Els Peixcadors de Catarroja” els recordem que tenen de termini fins al 30 de Novembre per remetre’ns el full d’inscripció, que estem...
Latin sailing in the Anniversary of the Navy of ValenciaFor the second consecutive year, the Albuferenca Latin sailing has been in the Anniversary of the Navy of Valencia, represented by the Associations of Silla and Catarroja. We had a sunny Saturday, with a.. .
On Saturday the wind did not want to say goodbye to the Latin sailing season and did not come to the regatta. 29 boats took off from the Port of Silla, which organized the test. And slowly they reached the Passadís de l'Antina. On calm sailing days...
Curset 2019 Pre-Registration Open If you requested information in the last few months, please do so again now. Due to a technical problem, we have not received the sender's email address in some emails. Through the following contact form you can now...
Catarroja Fishermen's Exhibition, 16 September 2018 Last weekend, despite the threat of cold weather, the ritual was fulfilled once again, and it's been 42 years! Collect the reeds, leave early on Saturday morning to stick them in the lake and thus mark the...